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स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड टेक्नालॉजी क्या होती है जो आज मारुति अपनी गाड़ियों में दे रही है?

स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड टेक्नोलॉजी मारुति सुजुकी की एक माइल्ड-हाइब्रिड सिस्टम है, जिसे ईंधन की बचत और परफॉर्मेंस सुधारने के लिए डिजाइन किया गया है। यह टेक्नोलॉजी पारंपरिक इंजन के साथ एक इंटीग्रेटेड स्टार्टर जनरेटर (ISG) और लिथियम-आयन बैटरी का इस्तेमाल करती है। कैसे काम करती है स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड टेक्नोलॉजी? 1. इंजन स्टार्ट-स्टॉप फ़ीचर – जब गाड़ी ट्रैफिक में रुकती है, तो इंजन ऑटोमैटिकली बंद हो जाता है और एक्सीलेटर दबाने पर तुरंत स्टार्ट हो जाता है। इससे ईंधन की बचत होती है। 2. रीजनरेटिव ब्रेकिंग – जब गाड़ी ब्रेक लगाती है या धीमी होती है, तो सिस्टम उस ऊर्जा को बैटरी में स्टोर कर लेता है, जिससे इंजन पर लोड कम होता है। 3. टॉर्क असिस्ट – एक्सीलेरेशन के दौरान बैटरी से अतिरिक्त टॉर्क मिलता है, जिससे इंजन की परफॉर्मेंस बेहतर होती है और फ्यूल एफिशिएंसी बढ़ती है। स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड के फायदे बेहतर माइलेज – पारंपरिक पेट्रोल इंजन की तुलना में अधिक फ्यूल एफिशिएंसी। कम कार्बन उत्सर्जन – प्रदूषण कम करने में मदद करता है। स्मूथ ड्राइविंग एक्सपीरियंस – स्टार्ट-स्टॉप टेक्नोलॉजी के कारण कम वाइब्रेशन और बेहतर परफॉर्मे...

Governor's : Theory of Machine

Governor's : Theory of Machine  Introduction : 1. A governor is a device which is also known as speed limiter or controller . 2. The function of governor is to regulate the mean speed of an engine , when variation in the load . 3. When load on an engine increases its speed decreases therefore increases the supply of working fluid . 4. When the load on an engine decreases it's speed increases therefore decreases the supply of working fluid . 5. Governor's automatically controls the supply of working fluid to the engine . Difference between governor and flywheel : 1. Flywheel can minimise fluctuation of speed within the cycle but governor can minimize fluctuation in mean speed of engine . 2. Flywheel can not minimize fluctuation due to load variation  but governor can minimize fluctuation of load variation . 3. Flywheel operation is continuous but governor operation is intermittent . 4. Flywheel is mounted on engine shaft to reduce torque fluctuation . Types of Governor : Gov...

QnA : Internal Combustion Engine

QnA of Internal Combustion Engine : 1. Cetane number of petrol is around 20 - 25° . 2. In diesel engine , the suction contains air only . 3. For air standard Otto cycle compression ratio is equal to expansion ratio . 4. The temperature of interior surface of cylinder wall of IC Engine is normally not allowed to exceed 180 ° . 5. The fluid in the petrol engine ( S.I. ) during compression contain mixture of air and fuel . 6. Function of carburetor is to supply the following . Air and Petrol mixture  7. Objective of supercharging process is - supplying the intake of an engine with air at a density greater than the density of the sure atmosphere . 8. Efficiency of IC Engine is normally of the order of -  30 - 35 percentage . 9. What is true for heat engine ? Efficiency of all reversible engines working between same temperature limits it's same . 10. Which is not an internal combustion engine ? Steam engine .

QnA : Theory of Machine

QnA of Theory of Machine : 1. Inversion of a mechanism is - One link of kinematic chain is fixed . 2. For simple harmonic motion of a cam follower , a cosine curve represents - Acceleration Diagram . 3. Hartnett governer could be classified under the head of  spring controlled . Spring controlled - Hartness , Hartung , Pickering , Wilson - Hartness governer . 4. Normally cam moves with  constant velocity . 5. A simple mechanism has four links . 6. When the speed of governer increases then  height of governer decreases but radius of rotation increase . 7. The purpose of flywheel in an IC Engine is to reduce the vibration in the engine . 8. The pitch point on a cam exiest on - point on cam pitch curve at which pressure angle is maximum . 9. The stress in disc type flywheel as compared to rim type flywheel is greater . 10. The contact between cam and follower is to form a higher pair . 11. Governer is used in automobile to - control SN . 12. In order to Balanced the reciproc...

QnA : Thermodynamics

QnA of Thermodynamics : 1. The efficiency of carnot Engine depends on - temperature source and sink . 2. In an isothermal process , the internal energy remains constant . 3. Change in entropy for reversible adiabatic process is zero . 4. Which is extensive property ?  Volume Extensive property - depends upon size  - mass ,                                                                -Energy                                                               Entropy                                                             ...

QnA : Mechanics

Some Questions and Answer of  ' Mechanics' : 1. In v - belt drives , belt touches at sides only   . 2. The direction of friction force acting on a body which can slide on a fixed surface is opposite to the direction of motion . 3. The value of friction force is equal to the external force . 4. The frictional force between objects that are stationary is called statical friction . 5. The life of bearing is expressed in no of hour's . 6. In thrust bearing , the load acts along the axis of rotation . 7. The type of coupling used to join two shafts whose axes are neither in same stength line nor parallel but interest is universal coupling . 8. A particle acted upon by two forces is in equilibrium .then the angle between the two forces is equal to 180* . 9.In design of key , shaft and pulley , key is made weaker . 10. Using lubricants on Engine parts is an example of reducing - friction . 11. The law of parallelogram of forces gives the resultant of two coplanar concurrent forc...

QnA : Basic Computer

Question and Answer of some basic computer : Question 1.  Which protocol may be used for accessing world word wide web ? Answer : HTTP Question 2.  Which name has been given to the first super computer made in India ? Answer : Param Question 3.  What is Bug in Computers  lauguage ? Answer : Computer Error Question 4.  Checking of diffrent hardware parts of   computer is done by ? Answer : BIOS - Basic Input Output System Question 5.  Which one is used for complex scientific calculation ? Answer : FORTRAN Question 6.  What menu is selected to Print ? Answer : File Question 7.  Which memories has the shortest access time ?  Answer : Cache Memory Question 8. Example of Input devices is ? Answer : Mouse , Joystick , Track Ball , Image Scanner Question 9.  High power microprocessor are ? Answer : Pantium , Pantium Pro , Pantium 2@3 Question 10.  First mini computer was ? Answer : PDP -1 Question 11.  Example of super compu...

Metal casting : part -2

Properties of Moulding sand : 1. Porosity Property 2. Strength 3. Cohesiveness property 4. Adhesiveness 5. Refractoriness 6. Collapsibility 7. Flowability Fluidity of Molten metal is depends on the - 1. Characteristics of molten metal 2. Casting parameter 1. Characteristics of molten metal : 1. Viscosity 2. Surface tension 3. Inclusion 4. Solidification pattern of the alloy 2. Casting parameter : 1. Mold Design 2. Mold material and it's characteristics 3. Degree of super heat  4. Rate of pouring 5. Heat transfer rate Methods of Mould Making : 1. Hand molding 2. Machine molding - 1. Jolting                                       2. Squeezing                                        3. Jolting and squeezing                         ...

What is Robotics : Robotics

  What is Robotics ? The term 'robot' has come from the Czech word 'Robota' which means forced or slave labourer . In  1921 , Karel Capek , a Czech play wright , used the term robot first in his drama named Rossum's universal Robot ( RUR) . According to Karel Capek , a robot is a Machine lookwise similar to a human being . Robot has been defined in various ways . 1. According to Oxford English Dictionary : A machine capable of carrying out a complex series of action automatically , especially one programmable by a computer . 2. According to International Organization for standardization (ISO) : An automatically controlled ,reprogrammable in three or more axes , which can be either fixed in place or mobile for in industrial automation application . Some robot perform variety of task . Manipulator - Robot with fixed base  1. Serial Manipulator 2. Parallel Manipulator 3. According to Robot Institute of America (RIA) : It is a reprogrammable multifunction manipulator de...

What is Production

 Production : The making or growing of something , especially in large quantities . Or The amount of something that is made or grown .   What is Production ? * Production is the process that transforms inputs into output . * Production is the process by which the resources ( input ) are transformed into a different and more useful commodity . Types of Production - 1. Intermittent Production System : 1. Project Production Flow 2. Jobbing Production Flow 3. Batch Production Flow 2. Continuous Production System : 1. Mass Production Flow 2. process Production Flow

Covid -19 : News

What is covid -19 ? Covid -19  ( coronavirus)  is agroup  of related RNA viruses that causes diseases in mammals and birds . * Coronavirus is respiratory illness and transmitted through person to person contact with droplets generated when an infected person coughts or sneezes . * The covid -19 virus infects people of all ages . * There is no currently no evidence that people can catch covid - 19 from food or food packages . Symptoms : Most common symptoms : 1. Fever   2. Dry cough 3. Tiredness Less common symptoms : 1. Aches and pains 2. Sore throat 3. Diarrhoea 4. Conjunctivitis 5. Headache  6. Loss of taste or smell 7. A rush on skin or discolouration of fingers or toes . Prevention : 1. Clean your hands , use soap and water , or an alcohal based hand sanitizer . 2. Maintain a safe distance from covid patients . 3. Wear a mask when physical distance is not possible . 4. Do not tough your eyes , nose or mouth . 5. Stay home if you feel unwell . 6. If you ...

Casting Process : Metal Casting

Casting Process : It is the process in which material is liquefied by heating and poured into previously prepared mould cavity where it is allowed to solidify .  Solidified products are taken out of the mould cavity , trimmed and cleaned to shape . Classification of casting processes :    1. Based on type of mould : 1. Expendable mould  2. Permanent mould 2. Based on purpose of casting : 1. Ingot , slab and billet casting 2. Remelt ingots 3. Shape casting Other Casting Process : 1. Sand Casting 2. Die Casting 3. Shell moulding 4. Investment Casting or Lost wax Process 5. Centrifugal Casting 6. Plaster Casting  7. Slush Casting 8. Continu ous Casting 1. Sand Casting : Silica sand is used more universally for making casting than any other mould material and it is called sand casting . Sand Casting Defect : 1. Open blows and blow holes 2. Entrained air and other gases 3. Shrinkage defects 4. Hot tears (cracks) 5. Misruns and cold shuts 6. Inclusions 7. Gears in met...

QnA : Metal Casting

Question and Answer of Metal Casting Question 1.  Process of making hollow castings of desired thickness by permanent mould without the use of cores is called ? Answer - slush casting Question 2. Process of pouring molten metal under high pressure into mould is called ? Answer - Die casting Question 3. Process of pouring molten into mould and allowed to solidify , when the mould is revolving is called ? Answer - Centrifugal casting Question 4.  Process of making hollow casting from permanent mould by a close fitting core , is called ? Answer - Pressed casting Question 5.  Casting process used for ornaments and toys of non - ferrous alloys is ? Answer - Slush casting Question 6.  Casting process being expensive used only where small number of intricate and highly accurate parts are to be manufactured is ? Answer - Investment casting Question 7.  Investment casting uses pattern made of ? Answer - Wax Question 8.  True centrifugal casting is used to get ? Answ...

Metal Casting : Production

  Metal Casting : Casting is a process in which the liquid molt en metal is poured into the casting cavity whose shape is same as that of the casting to be produced and allowed it to solidify . After Solidification the casting can be taken out by breaking the mould .                              Metal Casting Advantages of casting : 1. Any shape can be produced . 2. Any material can be cast . 3. Requiring tools are simple and inexpensive . 4. Heavy equipment can be cast easily in required size rather than fabricating them by joining several smaller pieces . Limitations Dimension accuracy and surface finish is poor . Steps in casting : 1. Pattern Making 2. Mould and core making 3. Pouring and solidification 4. Fetting 5. Inspection 1. Pattern Making : Patten is the replica of casting . Pattern size =casting size + - allowance Allowances : 1. Shrinkage Allowance ( SA) 2. Machining Allowance 3. Draft Allowance ...

Cams : Theory Of Machines

Cams : A cam is rotating machine element which gives reciprocating or oscillating motion to another element know as follower . The cams are widely used for operating the inlet and exhaust values of internal combustion engines , automobile attachment of machineries ,paper cutting machines , spinning and weaving textile machineries ,feed mechanism of automatic lathes etc. Classification of Followers : 1. According to surface in contact : (a) Knife edge follower  (b) Roller Follower  (c) Flat Faced or Mushroom Follower (d) Spherical Faced Follower 2. According to the motion of follower : (a) Reciprocating or Translating follower  (b) Oscillating or rotating follower 3. According to path of motion of follower : (a) Radial follower  (b) Off - set follower Classification of cams : 1. Radial or disc cam  2. Cylinderical cam Terms used in radial cams : 1. Base curcle  2. Trace point  3. Pressure angle 4. Pitch point 5. Pitch circle 6. Pitch curve 7. Prime circ...

Understanding Domain and Webhosting : Digital Marketing

Understanding Domain and Webhosting : What is the meaning of Domain Name and Webhosting ? What is the process of buying a Webhosting for your website ? How to change the Domain Name  Servers ? What is Domain Name ? Domain name is the address or name of any website which you want to access . Features - * Domain name is typed in address bar of the browser . * Domain name is unique to every website . * Domain names are managed through DNS (Domain Name System) . Types of Domain Name : Generic Top Level Domains (gTLD) Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLD) The Generic Top Level Domain ( gTLD) : domain name represent the highest level in the Domain Name System hierarchy . The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ( IANA) in the year 1985 . .com   .net   .org   .mil    .edu Country Code Top - Level Domain (ccTLD): Two Letter domains , associated with countries. .in    .au    .uk    .pk   .us Select domain name c...

Gear Train : Theory of Machines

  Gear Train : Two or more gear are made to mesh with each other to transmit power from one shaft to another . Such a combination is called gear train or train of toothed wheels . The nature of the train used depends upon the velocity ratio required and the relative position of the axes of shafts . Types of Gear Train : Depending upon the arrangement of wheels - 1. Simple gear train 2. Compound gear train 3. Reverted gear train 4. Epicyclic gear train 1. Simple Gear Train : When there is only one gear on each shaft , it is known as simple gear train. The gears are represented by their pitch circles . The speed ratio or velocity ratio of gear train is the ratio of the speed of the driver to the speed of the driver or follower and ratio of speeds of any pair of gears in mesh is the inverse of their number of teeth . Train value is the reciprocal of speed ratio . The motion from one gear to another , may be transmitted by either of following two methods . 1. By providing the large siz...

Features of Technical Writing : Professional Communication

  Features of Technical Writing : There are some important feature of Technical Writing mentioned below . 1. Use of familiar and easy words  2. Use of clear sentences 3. Use of sentences of moderate ( length ) 4. Use of Active voice 5. Avoid inaccurate expression 6. Logical Division of Paragraph 1. Use of familiar and easy words : In professional or technical writing instead of abstract words familiar words should be used. Technical writing does not require bombasic or roundabout words so writes should not write so many words where few words can do better. 2. Use of clear sentences : The writer should place main idea at the outset. He should follow normal word order  - subject - verb - object .In this word order ,the first sentences idea is topic sentence. In which main idea is presented. Later ,the writer develope .The idea in clear sentences . 3. Use of sentences of moderate ( length) : Experts are of opinion that sentences should be moderate lenght . Too much short or ...

Features of Technical Communication : Professional Communication

  Features of Technical Communication : Some important features of technical communication are given below - 1. Brevity 2. Clarity 3. Accuracy 4. Courtesy / Politeness 5. Use of Jogons / Technical terms Brevity : Brevity means to cut short or to trim .The speaker should be able to present the subject matter in brief become too much words often spoil the beauty of technical communication . Clarity : Another important thing of technical communication is clarity . Accuracy : The accuracy of facts help in building the strong relation between speaker and audience . All the matter which a speaker is going to deliver must be genuine , nothing should be manipulated . Politeness : Politeness is the key feature of Technical Communication a speaker should always use thanks , sorry , please etc . According to the requirement these works help to run business relation smooth . Use of Jogons : The word Jogons means technical word as terms which are not common audience but it is for the specific a...

Communication : Professional Communication

Definition of Communication : Sharing of ideas ,views , through , information etc from one person to another is called communication.             Or The word communication has been derived from a Latin word ' communicare' which means to share or sharing . Thus sharing of ideas, througts , views , information from one person to another is called communication . Communication can be established through verbal , nonverbal or both . Verbal - oral , written Non-verbal  - Sign Language Kinds of Communication : There are two types of communication. 1. Technical communication 2. General communication or non- technical communication or Literacy communication . Process of Communication : Stage - 1. Sender has an idea Stage - 2. Sender encodes the idea Stage - 3. Sender sends the massage Stage - 4. Receiver receives the massage Stage - 5. Receiver decodes the massage Stage - 6. Receiver gives feedback