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स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड टेक्नालॉजी क्या होती है जो आज मारुति अपनी गाड़ियों में दे रही है?

स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड टेक्नोलॉजी मारुति सुजुकी की एक माइल्ड-हाइब्रिड सिस्टम है, जिसे ईंधन की बचत और परफॉर्मेंस सुधारने के लिए डिजाइन किया गया है। यह टेक्नोलॉजी पारंपरिक इंजन के साथ एक इंटीग्रेटेड स्टार्टर जनरेटर (ISG) और लिथियम-आयन बैटरी का इस्तेमाल करती है। कैसे काम करती है स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड टेक्नोलॉजी? 1. इंजन स्टार्ट-स्टॉप फ़ीचर – जब गाड़ी ट्रैफिक में रुकती है, तो इंजन ऑटोमैटिकली बंद हो जाता है और एक्सीलेटर दबाने पर तुरंत स्टार्ट हो जाता है। इससे ईंधन की बचत होती है। 2. रीजनरेटिव ब्रेकिंग – जब गाड़ी ब्रेक लगाती है या धीमी होती है, तो सिस्टम उस ऊर्जा को बैटरी में स्टोर कर लेता है, जिससे इंजन पर लोड कम होता है। 3. टॉर्क असिस्ट – एक्सीलेरेशन के दौरान बैटरी से अतिरिक्त टॉर्क मिलता है, जिससे इंजन की परफॉर्मेंस बेहतर होती है और फ्यूल एफिशिएंसी बढ़ती है। स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड के फायदे बेहतर माइलेज – पारंपरिक पेट्रोल इंजन की तुलना में अधिक फ्यूल एफिशिएंसी। कम कार्बन उत्सर्जन – प्रदूषण कम करने में मदद करता है। स्मूथ ड्राइविंग एक्सपीरियंस – स्टार्ट-स्टॉप टेक्नोलॉजी के कारण कम वाइब्रेशन और बेहतर परफॉर्मे...

Barriers of Communication : Professional Communication

Barriers to Communication : Barriers to Communication are the difficulties involved in the process of communication which distard the message being property understand by the receiver . Types of Barriers : Theses are four from of barriers to Communication . 1. Intrapersonal Barriers 2. Interpersonal Barriers 3. Organizational Barriers 4. Physical Barriers Intrapersonal Barriers : This includes an individuals in built barriers .Which may block the communication process .Some such causes are listed below . 1. Different background education and culture . 2. Different perception and language difference . 3. Attitude 4. Wrong Assumption . Interpersonal Barriers : Interpersonal communication are the life skills and if the barriers occur due to enefficiency in communication skill , the communication can not meet its perfection . It usually occurs due to inapprapriate transmission  of words between two or more people . Following are the reason of interpersonal barriers : Lack of communicat...

Features of Technical Writing : Professional Communication

  Features of Technical Writing : There are some important feature of Technical Writing mentioned below . 1. Use of familiar and easy words  2. Use of clear sentences 3. Use of sentences of moderate ( length ) 4. Use of Active voice 5. Avoid inaccurate expression 6. Logical Division of Paragraph 1. Use of familiar and easy words : In professional or technical writing instead of abstract words familiar words should be used. Technical writing does not require bombasic or roundabout words so writes should not write so many words where few words can do better. 2. Use of clear sentences : The writer should place main idea at the outset. He should follow normal word order  - subject - verb - object .In this word order ,the first sentences idea is topic sentence. In which main idea is presented. Later ,the writer develope .The idea in clear sentences . 3. Use of sentences of moderate ( length) : Experts are of opinion that sentences should be moderate lenght . Too much short or ...

Features of Technical Communication : Professional Communication

  Features of Technical Communication : Some important features of technical communication are given below - 1. Brevity 2. Clarity 3. Accuracy 4. Courtesy / Politeness 5. Use of Jogons / Technical terms Brevity : Brevity means to cut short or to trim .The speaker should be able to present the subject matter in brief become too much words often spoil the beauty of technical communication . Clarity : Another important thing of technical communication is clarity . Accuracy : The accuracy of facts help in building the strong relation between speaker and audience . All the matter which a speaker is going to deliver must be genuine , nothing should be manipulated . Politeness : Politeness is the key feature of Technical Communication a speaker should always use thanks , sorry , please etc . According to the requirement these works help to run business relation smooth . Use of Jogons : The word Jogons means technical word as terms which are not common audience but it is for the specific a...

Communication : Professional Communication

Definition of Communication : Sharing of ideas ,views , through , information etc from one person to another is called communication.             Or The word communication has been derived from a Latin word ' communicare' which means to share or sharing . Thus sharing of ideas, througts , views , information from one person to another is called communication . Communication can be established through verbal , nonverbal or both . Verbal - oral , written Non-verbal  - Sign Language Kinds of Communication : There are two types of communication. 1. Technical communication 2. General communication or non- technical communication or Literacy communication . Process of Communication : Stage - 1. Sender has an idea Stage - 2. Sender encodes the idea Stage - 3. Sender sends the massage Stage - 4. Receiver receives the massage Stage - 5. Receiver decodes the massage Stage - 6. Receiver gives feedback