Features of Technical Writing :
There are some important feature of Technical Writing mentioned below .
1. Use of familiar and easy words
2. Use of clear sentences
3. Use of sentences of moderate ( length )
4. Use of Active voice
5. Avoid inaccurate expression
6. Logical Division of Paragraph
1. Use of familiar and easy words :
In professional or technical writing instead of abstract words familiar words should be used.
Technical writing does not require bombasic or roundabout words so writes should not write so many words where few words can do better.
2. Use of clear sentences :
The writer should place main idea at the outset. He should follow normal word order - subject - verb - object .In this word order ,the first sentences idea is topic sentence. In which main idea is presented. Later ,the writer develope .The idea in clear sentences .
3. Use of sentences of moderate ( length) :
Experts are of opinion that sentences should be moderate lenght .
Too much short or too much long sentences make the writing either too. Simple or too difficult . Generally a sentences should have 12 to 50 words .
4. Use of Active voice :
Sentences should be written in active voice ,since performance of the action . Is more emphasized or forced in active voice which help the reader to understand the massage easily .
5. Avoid inaccurate expression :
Inaccurate expression may lead to abscurity or unclearity that ultimately spoil the purpose of Technical Writing .
6. Logical Division of Paragraph :
In order to make technical writing clear and meaning full thought should be property arranged into different paragraph . A made rate paragraph should contain 50 to 125 words .