What is covid -19 ?
Covid -19 ( coronavirus) is agroup of related RNA viruses that causes diseases in mammals and birds .
* The covid -19 virus infects people of all ages .
* There is no currently no evidence that people can catch covid - 19 from food or food packages .
Symptoms :
Most common symptoms :
1. Fever
2. Dry cough
3. Tiredness
Less common symptoms :
1. Aches and pains
2. Sore throat
3. Diarrhoea
4. Conjunctivitis
5. Headache
6. Loss of taste or smell
7. A rush on skin or discolouration of fingers or toes .
Prevention :
1. Clean your hands , use soap and water , or an alcohal based hand sanitizer .
2. Maintain a safe distance from covid patients .
3. Wear a mask when physical distance is not possible .
4. Do not tough your eyes , nose or mouth .
5. Stay home if you feel unwell .
6. If you have a fever , cough and difficulty breathing , seek medical attention .
What is virus ?
Viruses are microscopic particles , generally much smaller than Bacteria .
They lack the capacity to produce outside of host body .
The 2014 outbreak of Ebola in west Africa and The 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic likely came to mind .
Types of virus :
1. Helical : Tobacco Mosoic virus
2. Polyhedral : Adenovirus
3. Spherical :Influenza virus ,
Hepatitis - B
4. Complex : Bacteriophage