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स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड टेक्नालॉजी क्या होती है जो आज मारुति अपनी गाड़ियों में दे रही है?

स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड टेक्नोलॉजी मारुति सुजुकी की एक माइल्ड-हाइब्रिड सिस्टम है, जिसे ईंधन की बचत और परफॉर्मेंस सुधारने के लिए डिजाइन किया गया है। यह टेक्नोलॉजी पारंपरिक इंजन के साथ एक इंटीग्रेटेड स्टार्टर जनरेटर (ISG) और लिथियम-आयन बैटरी का इस्तेमाल करती है। कैसे काम करती है स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड टेक्नोलॉजी? 1. इंजन स्टार्ट-स्टॉप फ़ीचर – जब गाड़ी ट्रैफिक में रुकती है, तो इंजन ऑटोमैटिकली बंद हो जाता है और एक्सीलेटर दबाने पर तुरंत स्टार्ट हो जाता है। इससे ईंधन की बचत होती है। 2. रीजनरेटिव ब्रेकिंग – जब गाड़ी ब्रेक लगाती है या धीमी होती है, तो सिस्टम उस ऊर्जा को बैटरी में स्टोर कर लेता है, जिससे इंजन पर लोड कम होता है। 3. टॉर्क असिस्ट – एक्सीलेरेशन के दौरान बैटरी से अतिरिक्त टॉर्क मिलता है, जिससे इंजन की परफॉर्मेंस बेहतर होती है और फ्यूल एफिशिएंसी बढ़ती है। स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड के फायदे बेहतर माइलेज – पारंपरिक पेट्रोल इंजन की तुलना में अधिक फ्यूल एफिशिएंसी। कम कार्बन उत्सर्जन – प्रदूषण कम करने में मदद करता है। स्मूथ ड्राइविंग एक्सपीरियंस – स्टार्ट-स्टॉप टेक्नोलॉजी के कारण कम वाइब्रेशन और बेहतर परफॉर्मे...

The Solid State Part -1

Chemistry                The Solid State The solid state is the solid state of matter in which the constituent particles are closely packed in the lattice and are unable to move. They can only vibrate along their axes. Classification of solids :  1. Crystalline solids 2. Amorphous solids Classification of crystalline solids:  1. Molecular solids 2. Ionic solids 3. Covalent solids 4. Metallic solids X - ray  Differation by Crystal: Bragg Equation : Space Lattice and Unit Cell :  Space Lattice or crystal lattice or lattice --- Three dimension arrangement Unit Cell : Unit cell is the smallest three dimensional group of lattice point which, when repeated in three dimentions in space, gives the whole lattice of the crystal. Types of Unit Cell :   1. Primitive or Basic cell - known as seven crystal lattice. (1) Cubic or isometric system (2) Tetragonal sy...

Types of Sentences

                  Chapter - 2.              Types of Sentences Kinds of Sentences:   1. Assertive Sentence--       (1) Positive or Affirmative Sentence       (2) Negative Sentence 2. Interrogative Sentence 3. Imperative Sentence 4. Optative Sentence 5. Exclamatory Sentence 1. Assertive Sentence Example: 1. I see a bird.                   2. The sun rises in the east.                   3. I do not go to school.                   4. I eat no apple.  2. Interrogative Sentence Example: 1. Am I a player ?                   2. What is your name ?                    3. What is you live ? Interrogate m...


                           India 1. South Asia 2.  Second populous country 3. Seventh largest country by area 4. Indian Ocean Flag of India :                                                                          Border of  India : Pakistan , China, Nepal , Bhutan , Bangladesh , Myanmar, Shri Lanka , Maldives , Thailand, Indonesia  Capital of India : Delhi State : 28 District : 739 Population : 138 Crore Area: 32,87,263 km square Dominion : 15 August 1947 President of India : Ram Nath Kovind Prime Minister of India : Narendra Modi

The Sentence

Chapter - 1                     The Sentence * Alphabet - 26 ( Letters) *  A ,E, I, O , U - Vowels (5) *   Other Letters - 21  (Consonants) * Meet of Letter is make  "Word".  Example - M+ A + N = MAN                    - C+ A + T = CAT * WORD: 1.  Meaningful        Example - A+P+P+L+E = APPLE            2. Meanigless      Example - G + A+ T + S + X * Sentence : A group of words, which makes complete sense is called a Sentence.  Example: He gave me five books.                  Parts of Sentence 1. Subject              2. Predicate Subject -> Qualifier + Main Word or Head word Qualifier -> Determiner + Adjective + Adjective Pharase Predicate: Verb...

Uttar Pradesh

                      Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh is the State of Narthern India. Uttar Pradesh is the most populous country subdivision in the world. @Population of Uttar Pradesh -  23.15 Cr (2020) Created - 1937 Number of Division - 18 Number of Distict - 75 Capital - Lucknow Area - 2,40,928 km square Sex Ratio - 912/ 1000 Border of Uttar Pradesh - Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh , Delhi , Uttarakhand, Nepal , Bihar , Madhya Pradesh , Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh Internation Airport - Chaudhary Charan Singh Airport - Lucknow Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport - Varanasi  High Court - Allahabad Allahabad Junction - Headquarters of North Central Railway Gorakhpur Railway station - Headquarters of North Eastern Railway Division - Agra, Aligarh , Prayagraj , Azamgarh , Bareilly , Basti , Chitrakoot, Ayodhya, Gorakhpur, jhansi , kanpur , Lucknow, Meerut , Mirzapur , Moradabad , Sah...

Introduction to aircraft Design

        Introduction to Aircraft Design Chapter: 1. Introduction to aircraft Design and requirements 2. Design Considerations in Airlines, Cargo and SST 3. Design Considerations in GA and Military Aircraft 4. Aircraft Configuration Design  5. Aircraft layout choices  6. Initial Sizing 7. Estimation of lift Coefficient 8. Estimation of subsonic parasite drag coefficient. 9. Constraint Analysis of Military Aircraft 10. Constraint Analysis of Transport Aircraft 11. Aircraft loads and V-N Diagram 12. Cost Estimation in Aircraft- Design

Fluid Mechanics and Hydaulic Machine

Fluid Mechanics and Hydaulic Machine Chapter 1. Properties of fluids 2. Pressure and it's measurement 3. Hydrostatic forces on surfaces 4. Buoyancy and floatation 5. Kinematics of flow and Ideal flow 6. Dynamics of fluid flow 7. Orifices and Mouthpieces  8. Notches and weirs  9. Viscous flow 10. Turbulent flow  11. Flow through pipes  12. Dimensional and Model Analysis  13. Boundary layer flow  14. Forces on sub - merged bodies  15. Compressible flow  16. Flow in open channels 17. Impact of jets and jet propulsion 18. Hydraulic Machines - Turbines  19.  Centrifugal Pumps 20. Reciprocating pumps  21. Fluid System


                        Robotics 1. Introduction to Robots and Robotics. 2. Introduction to Robots and Robotics, Robot kinematics. 3. Robot kinematics 4. Robot kinematics, Trajectory planning. 5. Robot Dynamics. 6. Control scheme, sensor,Robot vision. 7. Robot vision ,Robot motion planning. 8. Intelligent Robot ,Biped wlking, summary.


Introduction:         Mechatronics = Mechanics +Electronics Mechatronics is the concept that originated in Japan in 1969.  It is the application of electronics and computer technology ( Informatics) to control the motion of mechanical system . It is multidisciplinary approach to product and manufacturing  system design. It involve application of  electronical , mechanical, control, computer engineering to develope products ,processes and system and system with greater flexible ease in redesign and ability of reprogramming  Mechatronics - Group of  mechanical, electronics,electrical, computer,control ,telecom 1969- Yasakawa electric company- Tetsuro Mori Application - Automobile industry,MRI machine( medical) ,metro train , aircraft, fighter,jet Today modern cars are also mechatronics products with the used of electronic engine management system , collision detection, global positioning system (GPS). ...

Grammar and Translation

           Grammar and Translation                               Chapter 1. The Sentences 2. Types of Sentences 3.Parts of Speech  4. Tenses of the Verb:Form and Use 5. Auxiliary Verb 6. Subject Verb Concord 7.The Verb:Voice 8. Articles with Determiners 9. The Preposition 10. Conversation of Sentences 11. Direct and Indirect Narration  12. Clauses 13. Spelling Study 14. Punctuation and Use of capital Letters  15. Word Building 16. Some Useful Vacabulary 17. Translation


                         Mechatronics                                                         Chapter - 1 Introduction, Definition of Mechatronics, Sunergy Of System, Objectives of Mechatronics, Advantages of Mechatronics, Disadvantages of Mechatronics, Application of Mechatronics, Design and Modelling, Actuators and Sensors, Types of Actuators-(1.Pnumatic and Hydraulic actuators,2. Mechanical Actuators, 3.Electrical Actuators), Sensors and Transducer, Intelligent Control, Robotics, Advantages of Robotics, CNC Mechines, FMS(Flexible Manufacturing System), CIM(Computer Integrated Manufacturing)